
Hello, I’m a fourth-year Ph.D. student in the Department of Computer & Information Sciences at the University of Delaware, where I’m advised by Dr. Xu Yuan. I earned my Bachelor’s degree from Shandong University, China in 2016. Before pursuing my graduate studies, I spent four years in the industry developing Cloud Computing and Internet of Things (IoT) applications. I began my graduate studies in 2021 and received my Master’s degree from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette in 2023. I then transferred to the University of Delaware to continue my Ph.D. research. My research interest focuses on Trustworthy AI (e.g., Explainable AI), AI Fairness (e.g., Long-tailed Recognition), and AI for Science.


  • Ph.D. student in Computer Science, present

    University of Delaware, Newark, DE

  • M.S. in Computer Science, 2023.05

    University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Lafayette, LA

  • B.S. in Software Engineering, 2016.06

    Shandong University, Jinan, China



6. Fudong Lin, Jiadong Lou, Xu Yuan, and Nian-Feng Tzeng. “Towards Robust Vision Transformer via Masked Adaptive Ensemble”. In CIKM 2024.

5. Fudong Lin, Kaleb Guillot, Summer Crawford, Yihe Zhang, Xu Yuan, and Nian-Feng Tzeng. “An Open and Large-Scale Dataset for Multi-Modal Climate Change-aware Crop Yield Predictions”. In KDD 2024. [PDF] [Dataset] [Code] [Tutorials] [PyPI]


4. Fudong Lin, Summer Crawford, Kaleb Guillot, Yihe Zhang, Yan Chen, Xu Yuan, Nian-Feng Tzeng, et. al. “MMST-ViT: Climate Change-aware Crop Yield Prediction via Multi-Modal Spatial-Temporal Vision Transformer”. In ICCV 2023. [PDF] [Code] [Dataset] [Poster]

3. Fudong Lin, Xu Yuan, Yihe Zhang, Li Chen, Purushottam Sigdel, Lu Peng, Nian-Feng Tzeng. “Comprehensive Transformer-based Model Architecture for Real-World Storm Prediction”. In ECML-PKDD 2023. [PDF] [Slides] [Poster]


2. Fudong Lin, Xu Yuan, Lu Peng, and Nian-Feng Tzeng. “Cascade Variational Auto-Encoder for Hierarchical Disentanglement”. In CIKM 2022. [PDF] [Slides]


1. Yi He, Fudong Lin, Xu Yuan, and Nian-Feng Tzeng. “Interpretable Minority Synthesis for Imbalanced Classification”. In IJCAI 2021. [PDF] [Code]


  • Mengjie Wang and Fudong Lin. 2020. “Video playing method, terminal, and computer readable storage medium”. CN 108024144 A, filed November 28, 2017, and issued July 10, 2020. [PDF]

Academic Services


  • 2023: NeurIPS, ICLR, KDD, NeurIPS AI4Science Workshop
  • 2022: ICML, NeurIPS AI4Science Workshop

Honors and Awards

  • 2024 CIS Distinguished Graduate Student Award, issued by University of Delaware
  • 2023 Academic Excellence Award, issued by University of Louisiana at Lafayette
  • 2022 Academic Excellence Award, issued by University of Louisiana at Lafayette


Office: Smith Hall, 18 Amstel Ave, Newark, DE 19716

Email: fudong at udel.edu